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  • vinodkumar4b9

How I passed AWS Devops Professional Certification

Hi Folks,

Hope you are staying safe, As I have just passed the AWS DevOps Professional exam recently I just wanted to share the Preparation details which helped me to pass the exam with a score of 853

As mentioned DevOps Professional comes under Professional certifications, so you need a solid understanding of AWS services particularly Developer tools services, again AWS suggests that At least 2 years of hands-on experience securing AWS workloads. Now When It comes to My preparation, I have been working on AWS for the last three years on different services which help me to gain deeper knowledge on some of the services and some are again new to as No one can work on all AWS services available. Now Enough of speech and all, Please find the details that helped me in clearing this certification Exam

  1. The first thing is an Awesome Course from Zealvora covers Topics pretty well where you get a solid understanding of services

  2. Apart from the above course, I have even gone through Stephane maarek course to revise the topics Actually, Any course is sufficient but I used both to have a solid understanding.

  3. Once you are done with the course, you can have a look at the below White papers and FAQ from the AWS certification website (, Under specialty click on Devops Professional. Focus on below White papers and FAQ.

4. After that I took Tutorials Dojo- Jon Bonso( tests and Whizlabs practice tests (, Both will help you to prepare for the exam scenario questions. 5. As a next step I took JonBonso Ebook ( and have even prepared my handmade notes to remember some of the important topics 6. As a final step I took AWS Exam readiness training which you can see in the below URL and even took an AWS official practice exam. 7. As a final step, you can have a look at the blog which was written by Manikanti which has all details covered.

So That’s what my preparation for this Exam and I can say every minute that I have spent on this preparation is WORTH.

One Final Word to say here is Even though Certification gives you a very good satisfaction, more than that learnings that you get during the preparation is More important, and keep practicing labs and build things during the courses which will definitely help later too.

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